International Summer Course Faculty of Applied Science and Technology

Dear Students,

The Faculty of Applied Science and Technology is pleased to invite your students to join our summer course program that will be held on 15-27 August 2022 at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. We are offering 4 summer courses (Identification of Bird Songs, Bioinformatics, Photovoltaic Technology, Machine Learning, and Interactive Web Development) with detailed information here. All courses will be held physically except for Machine Learning.

We invite both international and local participants to join this program. The participants will not only learn professional exposure but will also join industrial visits; thus, they will experience cultural exchange, international exposure and networking. Our program will include classroom activities, hands-on laboratory projects, city and campus tours, and sightseeing field-trip.

The program fee is USD110 for international students, IDR200.000 (UAD students), and IDR800.000 (other than UAD students). The participant will have to cover the flight fare and accommodation fee. The organizer will be assisting to find flights and accommodation at the most reasonable prices. Transportation fare during the program is free.

Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at or +6281360662705 (WhatsApp only).
